Gloop, the cheerful orange monster with snail-like eyes and a green snout, had a peculiar gift—tiny yellow birds always flocked to him wherever he went. One day, while stomping through the vibrant Monsterwood, he discovered the birds weren’t just following him for fun—they believed he was their protector. A mischievous gust of wind swept the little birds into the air, and Gloop quickly used his massive blue hands to catch them like a living safety net. Realizing they were more fragile than he’d thought, he decided to create a sanctuary for his feathered friends at the base of a giant gummy tree. The birds sang a tune so sweet that even the grumpiest monsters stopped to smile. From that day on, Gloop became known as the guardian of Monsterwood’s tiniest singers, his heart swelling with pride every time he heard their chirping melodies.
Round Orange Monster With Tiny Yellow Birds