Smart Monster

A tiny purple monster with a massive brain hovers in the air, tiny electrons zipping around him like a living atom. His glowing yellow eyes scan the universe, calculating the mysteries of space and time in an instant. With a flick of his claw, he manipulates energy itself, bending reality to his whims.

Mynah Bird Cartoon

This is a painting of Hunter S. Thompson’s myna bird Edward and it captures his rebellious spirit. The bird’s piercing gaze and slightly ruffled feathers hint at its infamous foul-mouthed personality, embodying Thompson’s gonzo energy. His brain swirls with chaotic waves and his inner life bubbles and pops as his mind is caught in a … Read more

Red Monster With Blue Lips

This is a chubby red monster with nappy hair and giant blue eyes on eye stalks. He is influenced by Pepe the frog. He has much pathos – pudgy blue feets and four arms for huging his frens. Feels good man.

Blue Monster With Four Eyes

This is a happy blue monster with four eyes. She is a laugh monster. She laughs when she gets nervous. She laughs so much that her face muscles hurt and her mouth gets dry.

Lamar Dodd School of Art Paint Tube

This is what the UGA school of visual arts used to look like. It was really far from the dorms and close to downtown Athens. I sometimes dream I’m back in school and lost on campus, riding busses to nowhere, tunneling under the school of art, wandering around downtown and on giant hillsides peering down … Read more

Blue Fish With Eye Stalks

This is a goofy blue fish with red fins and lips and eyestalks. He is a potty fish. If you look in your toilet at night you can sometimes catch him swimming around in there.

Angry Green Bug Standing

This is an angry green bug with a red frown­ing mouth and round white teeth stand­ing. He scur­ries around in his retro sneak­ers bit­ing peo­ple and leav­ing itchy red bumps on their skin.

Pig Eating Bat Soup

I can’t believe we live in a world where people understand what infectious disease is and how it spreads and how catastrophically damaging it can be to the very foundations of human civilization but we let random sick people get on planes and spread deadly pandemics around the world in a matter of hours. We … Read more

Purple Monster Smoking a Cigar

purple monster smoking a cigar

This is a paranoid purple monster smoking a cigar. He is a spikey fellow who is having a flashback to the vietnam war as he composes postmodern classical music inside his head.

Monster Artist

A quirky pink monster with yellow spots sits proudly, its wild, tangled hair sticking out in all directions. It clutches a paintbrush in one hand and a pencil in the other, splattering neon colors onto a canvas. Its wide grin reveals a row of crooked teeth as it brings its latest chaotic masterpiece to life.

Red Cyclops Monster

Red Cyclops monster with a green eye and purple hands and feet

This wild-eyed cyclops monster, named Zoggles, lives under a candy-colored mushroom deep in the swamps of a forgotten world. With its jagged green teeth and twitching purple claws, it loves to scare off intruders by snapping its jaws with a bone-rattling clack! But really, Zoggles just wants someone brave enough to share a laugh and … Read more